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17416 Murphy Parkway


09:00 - 17:00

Monday to Friday

VIN Verification

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Short notice, last minute and emergency notarizations welcome! No job is too big or too small!

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Short notice, last minute and emergency notarization welcome!

What is VIN verification?

A VIN verification is a physical inspection of your car, truck, or trailer. The VIN number, odometer, body type model, year, make, model, and emissions label are documented on a form. It is to identify its unique number that no other vehicle has. This is to prevent fraud and theft. This is a vital process in registering vehicles in California

Why do I need to have a VIN verification done?

  • Vehicles coming in from other states or countries – example, you’re moving from Vermont to California. This includes brand new vehicles that were purchased from a dealer or from a manufacturer.
  • Body type model changes – for example, your dump truck is now a flat bed vehicle, this change in configuration will require you report the change to the California DMV and will require you to do a VIN verification. Some insurance carriers will force you to change the BTM to reflect the actual vehicle type, example: 2020 Lincoln Navigator is listed as a “UT” (utility vehicle) but your insurance carrier is covering you as a limousine company, you will change the BTM to “LM” to become insurable for your carrier.
  • Vehicles that have a VLT stop from the California DMV lien sale unit – the VIN verification process is used confirm that someone has physical possession of the vehicle.
  • Vehicles that are on the IRP program uses the VIN verification process to verify the mileage.
  • Old vehicles that have fallen off of the DMV system need to be inspected and reintroduced into the DMV system.
  • Corrections of a VIN – if the VIN on your title and the VIN on your car do NOT match the VIN verification process is the way to fix this problem.
  • Corrections of odometers – if your odometer was incorrectly reported, a VIN verifier is going to be someone you will need to visit to start the process to getting this fixed.
  • Correction of the year – if the year on your title is NOT the correct one, guess what, a VIN verification is how you fix that.
  • Corrections in general – at times, someone who originally keyed in the vehicle information may have keyed in the wrong information, such as incorrect number of axles, or incorrect fuel type, or other minor things
  • Converting a vehicle from automobile to commercial, or vice versa, or in other cases, making a vehicle an off highway vehicle to on-highway.

How much does it cost?

VIN Verification can be done at $35 per vehicle.